
Archive for August 6, 2013

Official End of the Summer and Geek Week

August 6, 2013 Leave a comment

Tomorrow marks the official “end” of summer, at least for most of the teachers in my district.  Yes, I’m included in that number and at this point, I think I’m ready to head back.  Going into my seventh year of teaching, I’m glad that I still love my job.  I didn’t think I’d last this long after the first few months of teaching as a newbie, but here I am (I’m going to write more about this on Friday).

So now let’s talk about “Geek Week” on YouTube.  Two of the channels I subscribe to, Nerdist and Geek and Sundry, are a part of this presentation for all things “geek” on YouTube.  If you haven’t subscribed to either of those channels, I definitely recommend it.  Honestly, there’s so much content being uploaded on both of those channels, it’s getting to be a difficult to catch up, especially with our official “report back day” happening tomorrow.  There are a few other channels presenting on Geek Week as well so I’m sure I’ll check those out too.

Anyway, I do want to show two of the videos I saw which have something of an educational component to it.

First, we have this video talking about the “issues” of building a fully functional Death Star.

Honestly, TIE fighters would be easier to get to, since they’ve already developed Ion Engines.

Then there’s this video, which is self-explanatory.

Okay, honestly, there is a very small educational component to both of these videos . . . I just want to show them because they’re pretty rad.

Yes, I used the word “rad.”  Deal with it.

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